Direction to USTSV

For now, please DO NOT follow Google Map's direction! It directs to a wrong street.

From Freeway 280

  1. Get off Freeway 280 on either directions at Saratoga Ave. and heading north on Saratoga Ave.
  2. After 1.5 miles, make a U-turn at San Tomas Expressway,
  3. After 250 feet, make a right turn into an alley,
  4. After 200 feet, USTSV is on your right side in the two-story building with a big 160 in the front. See picture on the right.

From Freeway 110

  1. Get off Freeway 110 on either directions at Montague Expressway and heading south on San Tomas Expressway,
  2. After .38 mile, make a right turn on to Saratoga Ave.
  3. After 250 feet, make a right turn into an alley,
  4. After 200 feet, USTSV is on your right side in the two-story building with a big 160 in the front. See picture on the right.