Education Excellence in, for, and from Silicon Valley

in Silicon Valley

Our campus is located in the center of Silicon Valley.

for Silicon Valley

Our graduates join Silicon Valley businesses immediately after completely their study.

from Silicon Valley

Our professors contribute to science and technology advances in local businesses.

University of Science and Technology of Silicon Valley (USTSV) is an academic institution of higher learning that is committed to providing a quality education to individuals whose goals include the development of rational, systematic, and critical thinking while striving to succeed in their chosen profession. USTSV believes that through acquisition of the knowledge presented in each of its educational programs students shall learn how to evaluate, analyze, and synthesize information and learn to develop critical thinking and problem solving skills that may be applied in a career environment. It is the mission of USTSV to fulfill the educational expectations of its students and faculty and to provide the community with professionals capable of meeting the challenges in their respective fields.